News from Catholic Sister Communicators, Ghana

Catholic Sister Communicators, Ghana published News and Articles

Sisters Communicators  Trained in Kumasi

Exhibition of Talents and Skills

The Conference of Major Superiors of Religious- Ghana (CMSR-Gh) in collaboration with Conrad Hilton Foundation and Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church (CMMC), trained 20 Religious Sisters from 10 Institutes across thr country, in Media and Communication at the Centre for Spiritual Renewal, Kumasi-Santasi in the Central Region of West Africa's Ghana, from May 6 to 14, 2024 . The 9-day training which was facilitated by Global Newswatch and Communications, who doubled as Media Partners of CMSR-Gh has equiped the Sister Communicators with the necessary skills in Media and Communication. As a way of exhibiting their skills, the Sister Communicators wrote news and articles that were published by their trainers, both during and after the training session. The Sister Communicators are still writing news and articles, telling theo stories of their Institutes and the that of the various Dioceses in which they are caarying out their Apostolates. Kindly follow the Links below to have access to some of their publications at the Global Newswatch and Communications website: Source: Agnes Mercy Nyatsoe, SMMC (Sister Communicator)




The 2024 First Biannual Meeting of the Conference of Major Superiors of Religious Ghana (CMSRG) is currently underway at the Arnold Janssen Spirituality Centre, Bortianor Hills, Tuba in Accra.

Kindly follow the link for more details

Communiqué of 2024 Biannual Assembly of CMSR-GH



Kindly follow the link for details


To prepare for the Jubilee Year 2025, which Pope Francis announced on January 21, Religious in the West African nation, Ghana are launching a crusade to advocate for environmental conservation in the country.

Kindly click on the link for details.

Strengthening Home Visitation, Silver Jubilee Celebration, 2024 Elections, LGBTQ+ Concerns

Major Superiors trained 20 Sister Communicators in Ghana

Conrad Hilton Foundation Sponsored Ghana Sister Communicators' Project

Practical Session for Sister Communicators in in videography  in Kumasi, Ghana, May,2024Kumasi

SMMC Coordinated Training Session for Sister Commu

MAJOR SUPERIORS OF RELIGIOUS – GHANA TRAINS 20 SISTERS IN MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS The Conference of Major Superiors of Religious – Ghana (CMSR-Gh) through a Project sponsored by Conrad Hilton Foundation has trained 20 Sisters from 10 Religious Institutes in Ghana, West Africa, in Media and Communications to tell their own stories. The training was spearheaded by the Institute of Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church in partnership with Global Newswatch Media and Communications, Ghana. The 9-day training starting from 6th May to 14th May, 2024, took place at the Centre for Spiritual Renewal at Santasi - Kumasi in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The programme commenced with the familiarisation and discussion of the Course content. Roles were also assigned for a smooth running of the training. Sr. Cecilia Afari, SMMC, the Project Coordinator of the Media Training, in her Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the training on Tuesday May 7, highlighted the goals of the initiative, mainly, to establish visibility of Religious Institutes in Ghana. According to her, “People say all sorts of things about Religious Sisters, because they do not know who Sisters really are and what they do.” She stated that the objectives of the Media Training Project were to train 20 Sisters from all over the country in Media, Communication and Networking, create a functioning website and register a Communication Network for Women Religious Congregations in Ghana. In a Keynote address, the Executive Secretary of the Conference of Major Superiors of Religious - Ghana, Sr. Theodora Adzayawo, SMMC, explained that the formation of the Communication Network of Women Religious was the dream of the former President of CMSR-Gh, Sr. Mercy Boateng, SSL as a result of an experience with Sister Communicators from some East African countries during the 2022 Hilton Foundation Convening in Nairobi, Kenya. Sr. Theodora Adzayawo urged the participants of the training to be vibrant and put whatever they learnt into practice. One of the Managers of the Centre for Spiritual Renewal, Rev. Fr. Timothy Baghrmwin, SJ, a psychologist, in a welcome address, challenged the Sisters to be “aggressive” in the use of media for evangelisation. He encouraged the participants to make use of the rare opportunity given them to participate in the training and write stories that would project their Religious Institutes. Fr Timothy recalled the time during his formation and declared; "I just want to say that you have an opportunity given to you that we did not have. When I was in formation, we never had these opportunities to do these things ... Please, take advantage of it.” By way of encouraging the Sister Communicators, he informed them that though a psychologist with no inclination towards journalism, he has published one book already and have two others in the pipeline. During the training, the Sisters were schooled on the basics in News/Feature Writing, Photography/Videography, use of phones for Livestreaming, Interview Skills, Media Ethics, Website Management and Graphic Design. As part of the training, the participants had the opportunity to visit the Communications Office of the Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi and the studios of Kessben TV and FM to have a practical experience. They also toured St. Peter's Minor Basilica to familiarise themselves with historical features there. The Sister Communicators were invited by Most Rev. Peter Kwasi Sarpong, Archbishop Emeritus of Kumasi to his residence at Santasi. They exchanged pleasantries, sang and danced to mark his 91st birthday celebrated on February 6 this year. On May 12, the Archbishop Emeritus facilitated the visit of the Sisters to the Akwasidae celebration which also climaxed the Silver Jubilee of the Enthronement of the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II at the Manhyia Palace. At a Thanksgiving Mass to end the training session, Rev Fr Peter Laast, CSSp, one of the Priests In-Charge of the Centre, told the Sisters to see the opportunity given them as a gift and use it effectively in evangelisation. The Sister Communicators evaluated the training session and shared the expectations they will have to meet when they return to practice what they have learnt. One of the expectations was to take full control of all religious programmes of their various Institutes as far as Media and Communication are concerned and produce quality works. As a way of equipping the participants for a start, they were given a phone each by Sr Afari, SMMC. Some of the Religious Congregations that benefitted from the Media and Communication Training include Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church (SMMC), Daughters of the Most Holy Trinity (FST), Handmaids of the Divine Redeemer (HDR), Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus (HHCJ), and Missionary Sisters of Holy Rosary (MSHR). Others are Notre Dame de l’Eglise (NDE), Sisters of Mary Immaculate (SMI), Sisters of St Louis (SSL), Sisters of the Incarnate Word (SVI), and the Society of Infant Jesus (SIJ). Source: Sr Agnes Mercy Nyatsoe, SMMC.

Practical Session for Sister Communicators

Major Superiors trained 20 Sisters

At Santasi, Kumasi in Ghana's Ashanti Region, CMSR-GH in partnership with Global Newswatch trained 20 Sisters from 10 Religious Institutes.

Major Superiors trained 20 Sister Communicators in Ghana

Conrad Hilton Foundation Sponsored a Project for Sister Communicators, Ghna

CMSR-GH trained 20 Sister Communicators in Ghana

Sisters Communicators  Trained in Kumasi

Sister Communicators trained in Ghana

The Conference of Major Superiors of Religious-Ghana in collaboration with Conrad Hilton Foundation and the Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church (SMMC) and in partnership with Global Newswatch Media and Communication, trained 20 Religious Sisters in Media and Communication. The training took place at the Centre for Spiritual Renewal, Santasi in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, West Africa. This training was meant to equip the Sisters with the necessary skills that will enable them to tell the stories of their Religious Institutes and to propagate the Good News of Jesus Christ using the Social Media.

Sister Communicators with Rev. Fr Peter Laast, CSSp.
Sr Communicators with their new phones for Communication work, 2024